Advent Preschool + Childcare
Our preschool curriculum emphasizes the whole child through multi-sensory activities. Our school has incorporated The Creative Curriculum™, which is a child-centered curriculum aligned with the PA State Early Learning Standards.
Language arts is taught through Foundations with a strong focus on phonetics. Foundations aligns with area school districts creating consistency with early literacy skills.
Handwriting Without Tears is the program we use to provide developmentally-appropriate pre-handwriting and handwriting activities. Beginning with our 3 year old class, students build letters using wood pieces and progress to writing uppercase letters with chalk, crayons and eventually pencils.
Your child will grow physically, socially and cognitively and develop new skills through
• Literacy (pre-reading, writing and communication skills)
• Math
• Science
• Fine & Gross Motor Skills
• Self-help/Independence Skills
• Dramatic Play
• Purposeful Free Play
In addition to the daily classroom learning, all students have a weekly science and P.E. Class. throughout the year we offer a variety of enriching activities including visits from Elmwood Zoo, story tellers, and fitness professionals.