Advent Lutheran Church
I’m New!
We welcome you with open arms to Advent Lutheran Church!
1601 Green Lane West Chester, PA 19382
Route 352, 1/8 mile south of West Chester Pike
Click here for Directions
What Should I Expect When I Arrive?
Our large parking lot, located off of Green Lane, offers plenty of parking, including handicap spaces if needed.
As you walk up the main sidewalk, you will see a sign pointing to the sanctuary and office, to your left by the bell tower. The social hall is to your right. You can expect to be greeted at the door and bulletins are in the sanctuary as you enter, to help you follow the service. Most of the service is printed in the bulletin or included in the hymnals located in the pew in front of you. However, all you need to easily follow the entire service is projected on the screen in the front of the sanctuary.
You can expect to see people of all ages and many parents with children. Children are very welcome in worship. Sometimes, parents of young children enjoy using the “prayground”, located in the rear of the sanctuary to your left.
Restrooms are located outside the social hall, accessible via the doors to your right as you walk up to the Narthex (lobby), or through the Christian Education wing, where signs point the way.
We invite you to stop by the Welcome Center, which is located in the Church Narthex (Lobby) after worship. Special gifts await those who visit the Welcome table, where a member will greet you and help you find additional information about the ministries at Advent. You may leave us contact information if you wish (including email). We offer a weekly Eblast (Newsletter) that alerts members and the community at large about events that take place at Advent.
What is the Sunday Schedule and What Can I Expect?
Our first Worship service is 9AM* and includes a bulletin and a screen to follow for all to participate easily. The service includes organ and piano music, special music, a children’s message and communion to include all baptized Christians. At 9:15 the children can leave to go to Sunday School while their parents stay for the remainder of the service.
*During the summer months this service moves to 8:30 AM
9:15am – Sunday School
Classes are offered in Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 6. (Confirmation classes are offered during the week for 7th and 8th graders.) Sometimes older youth help with Sunday School.
Our weekly EBlast newsletter and website include information on the classes being offered each week. Classes are held the Sunday after Labor Day through mid-June.
10:30am – Our second Worship Service
This service includes the same elements as the 9am service with live and recorded music led by Advent’s Praise Team. There is also a Children’s Message and Communion at this service. Bulletins and the presentation screen make participating in worship easy.
Communion is a part of almost all worship services. As this is the Lord’s Table, all are welcome but need not feel compelled to participate. We believe that Christ is present in the sacrament of Holy Communion and that by communing, we, in a special way, receive Jesus. The bread remains bread. The wine remains wine. But in Communion, Jesus becomes present in the bread and wine, making it the Body and Blood of Jesus. Communion is distributed by the Pastor. Gluten-free wafers are available as well.
Children who have not yet received First Communion instruction may also receive at the discretion of their parents, who are encouraged to share part of the host.
Is There an Offering?
Worship simply is offering – in worship we offer God thanks and praise. Part of our offering of thanks and praise is a financial “offering” in response to and recognition that all of life and all we have is a gift of God. These gifts support the mission and ministries of the congregation. There are sometimes special offerings for special projects or programs.
Offering boxes are located on either side of the Sanctuary as you walk down the main walkway, or you can donate on-line by clicking the button below.
Are there Social Opportunities?
Between the early and late worship services, refreshments are provided in the Social Hall. When our worship schedule changes, refreshments will be provided in the Narthex, following the 8:30 AM service.
Additional opportunities for fellowship, learning, and serving happen all the time. There are interest groups such as Sports, Bible studies, Prayer Meetings, Men’s breakfast, Quilters, Mahjongg, Book Club, and various youth outings, etc.
Is Advent Handicap Accessible?
Our single level building is very accessible. There are designated handicap parking spaces. The main, flat walkway leads to the main entrance. In the sanctuary there are reserved spaces for wheelchairs, as well as reserved companion seats in the back of the sanctuary with chairs instead of pews. We also have an ADA-compliant bathroom and large print on the screen in the front of the sanctuary.
If you wish to discuss specific needs, please contact the Church Office.