Advent Lutheran Church

Christian Education

Kids singing songs from summer camp

Vacation Bible School

We offer a week of VBS every summer, from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM. Children in preschool - 5th grade are welcome! (Preschool children must be toilet independent, and have been in a school/Daycare setting. We are looking forward to a fun week of Bible Stories, Science, Crafts, Recreation, Music, and snacks! We hope your children will join us!

Sunday Church School

"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14

Sunday School and VBS Sign

Starting in September, and running until the end of May, there are classes for children ages three and older, Sunday mornings at 9:15. Children study a different Bible lesson. Many parents begin worship with their children at 9 AM before they leave the service after the children’s message to attend Sunday School.  Our new curriculum is more hands-on, using a variety of formats and activities to make Bible stories come to life. Older youth can assist with younger children.

Our SCS Superintendent, Janey Wolff, and devoted teachers generously devote their, time, and talent, to students in their classes. Parents are welcome to participate if they desire. Pastor Chris provides guidance throughout the year and brings Holy Communion to older children at the end of the class. Together, we share and grow in the love of Christ.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Class

A two-year program for youth that generally begins in the 7th grade. Classes are held twice per month, September through June. Youth survey the Bible and gain greater understanding of the 10 Commandments, Apostle's Creed, Holy Communion, Baptism, Lord's Prayer, Confession/Forgiveness, Church History, Lutheran Theology, and World Religions.  After attending 2 years of classes, youth are generally Confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, usually in May. For more information, please contact our Pastor, who leads the class along with members of the congregation, at

Weekly Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study

The group meets at Advent, Thursdays at 10:00 AM. We are joined by members of Willistown UMC and members of other churches.  Our pastor participates in the discussion along with the pastor from Willistown UMC.  Members may also participate via Zoom.  Call the church office, or email Pastor Chris at for more information. 

First Holy Communion

Children are encouraged to receive instruction regarding the Sacrament of Holy Communion by the 5th grade. Many receive Holy Communion as early as the 3rd grade. A Saturday class is held once per year. Class includes videos and written/oral lessons, in addition to baking bread and making a banner.

Men’s Monthly Bible Study with Breakfast and Communion

A group of men, from teens to long-retired seniors, gather monthly for breakfast at the WC Diner, followed by Bible Study. They meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Come for fellowship and to reflect on God's word. Communion may be shared at the end of the study. We split the check. You can speak your mind, or come to just listen!   No advanced Biblical knowledge is required.

Women's Retreat

Women's Retreat Photo

Advent has a long-standing tradition of having annual women’s retreats - a wonderful weekend away. The weekends are a perfect mix of spiritual renewal, relaxation, and just plain fun!  For many years those retreats were held at Black Rock Retreat Center with women from Advent joining women from Community of Love Lutheran Church, Oxford.  In more recent years, this retreat has been taking place at Bear Creek Camp and has included more younger women along with women from across the region. Advent women often bring friends.