Advent Lutheran Church
Kids Ministry
"Do not say 'I am only youth.'" - Jeremiah 1:6
Advent Lutheran Church has an active program for kids in the 6th grade through Senior High, led by Hannah Darmofal with the assistance of many Advent members and parents. Advent has a large room, the only 2nd-floor space in the building, that is reserved as our "Youth Room", complete with a Ping Pong Table, Pool Table, and 60" LED TV which provides excellent gathering space."
There are numerous ways for youth to engage with our congregation beyond worship:
Advent is a founding member of the WC Church Youth Ministry Collaborative. Every month 6th through 12th grade youth participate in a Sunday PM service/spiritual youth event that usually includes a meal and always includes fun such as crazy games, indoor kickball or "sardines," a version of hide and go seek in a dark church. Area churches, including Advent host the events.
Youth volunteers participate at 9:15 AM on Sundays to assist with Sunday School
Social and service opportunities are held throughout the year. Often, we use Advent's social hall as a gym as it is a huge open space.
Another major component of kids ministry at Advent is the opportunity to attend retreats and service projects. Often, our youth invite friends to join them. It is not unusual for us to have two or three dozen youth participate. Youth at Advent have opportunities to earn money for their own "youth accounts" by volunteering at the church flea markets, craft sales and work on the grounds which can defray or totally eliminate the cost of retreats.
Here is a listing of the major retreats:
ELCA YOUTH GATHERINGS ( Has been Postponed until 2024)
Advent has a long tradition of sending youth to the ELCA youth gathering.
6th through 12 graders from Advent join about 300 youth and chaperones from many Lutheran Churches throughout Southeastern PA for a weekend retreat at Camp Tuscarora, in a wonderful retreat center. Each year a different theme is discussed as, in addition to free time, youth gather for worship/presentations and small group discussion by age.
This retreat is primarily a fun retreat. Our retreat includes lots of time on the beach, boardwalk, and rides/waterpark, along with possible visits to the Cape May Lighthouse, Zoo, Nature walks, etc. We also share daily devotions and Holy Communion on Cape May Point! We often go on this retreat during the "Closer Walk" Christian youth gathering sponsored by Morey's Piers. All youth entering 6th grade through High School are welcome.
Every year, Advent partners with SS Simon and Jude R.C. to send 2 to 4 van loads of Senior High students and leader/advisers for a week long service project rebuilding and winterizing homes in the Appalachia Region of our country. Groups have served in West Virginia and Kentucky. This event is led by Paul Griglione.
Every year, youth who are currently enrolled in Confirmation Classes (7th and 8th grade) and youth previously confirmed, head to Bear Creek Camp for a weekend Retreat in the Poconos. Hiking and Team Building opportunities complement time for Bible study and discussion.
Finally, Advent youth often participate in youth events sponsored by the Southeaster PA Synod of the ELCA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We have sent about two dozen youth and adults to the ELCA Youth Gatherings in NEW Orleans and Detroit and Houston!
For more information on Youth Activities contact the church office at: adventlutheranwc@gmail.com
Hannah Darmofal - Youth Director