Advent Lutheran Church


Quilts are prayerfully produced for children to be baptized, for members with serious illnesses and for those moving to assisted living, hospices, or the Veterans Hospital. Items used in church service are repaired. Banners, baptismal napkins, communion linens, Christmas bags, pot holders and pillowcases are also prepared. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month, from 9 a.m. to noon, but quilters can also donate time worked at home. Members of Advent also crochet prayer shawls. Non-quilters are welcome to attend. For more information about the quilting activities at Advent,. led by Mary Alice James, please contact the church office at 610-436-0807.

Quilters also make quilts in support of Lutheran World Relief to reach people in some of the worst situations of war, disaster and extreme poverty, providing warmth and comfort.

Why we give a gift of a Baptismal blanket to each child being baptized at Advent.

In December, 1999, Advent member Kelly Leigh Wylie was diagnosed with cancer. She refused treatment because she was pregnant, and did not want to risk any harm to her unborn child. Noah Kelland States was born prematurely on February 12, 2000, weighing little more than 3 lbs. Kelly then immediately began her treatment. God called Kelly home on March 5, 2002. As her family maintained a vigil of several weeks at her hospital bedside, many family members, church members, and unknown prayer partners, lifted this entire family in prayer every day. And, although the family knew they were being lifted in prayer, the thought came to us that it would be nice to have a “visual” sign of that loving support - a “Blanket of God’s Love” for Kelly, to keep her warm in body and spirit.

At Kelly’s Memorial Service, we used blue-checked gingham to decorate the Fellowship area – it was Kelly’s favorite pattern. We now sew onto each quilt a piece of the gingham used in March, 2002.

It is in loving memory of Kelly Leigh Wylie that we share a “Blanket of God’s Love”, praying that it will always be a reminder that you are never alone. May you always feel God’s love and presence in your life!